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SubscriberCreateDataReader Method (ITopicDescription, DataReaderQos)

Creates a new DataReader with the desired QoS policies and without listener attached.

Namespace:  OpenDDSharp.DDS
Assembly:  OpenDDSharp (in OpenDDSharp.dll) Version:
public DataReader CreateDataReader(
	ITopicDescription topicDescription,
	DataReaderQos qos


Type: OpenDDSharp.DDSITopicDescription
The ITopicDescription that the DataReader will be associated with.
Type: OpenDDSharp.DDSDataReaderQos
The DataReaderQos policies to be used for creating the new DataReader.

Return Value

Type: DataReader
The newly created DataReader on success, otherwise .

The returned DataReader will be attached and belong to the Subscriber.

The ITopicDescription passed to this operation must have been created from the same DomainParticipant that was used to create this Subscriber. If the ITopicDescription was created from a different DomainParticipant, the operation will fail and return a result.

See Also