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RtpsDiscovery Properties

The RtpsDiscovery type exposes the following members.

Public propertyD0
An integer value representing the Offset Zero. The default value is 0.
Public propertyD1
An integer value representing the Offset One. The default value is 10.
Public propertyDefaultMulticastGroup
A network address specifying the multicast group to be used for SPDP discovery. The default value is
Public propertyDG
An integer value representing the Domain Gain. The default value is 250.
Public propertyDX
An integer value representing the Offset X. The default value is 2.
Public propertyGuidInterface
Specifes the network interface to use when determining which local MAC address should appear in a GUID generated by this node.
Public propertyKey
The discovery unique key
(Inherited from Discovery.)
Public propertyMulticastInterface
Specifes the network interface to be used by this discovery instance. This uses a platform-specifc format that identifes the network interface.
Public propertyPB
Port Base number. The default value is 7400.
Public propertyPG
An integer value representing the Port Gain. The default value is 2.
Public propertyResendPeriod
The number of seconds that a process waits between the announcement of participants. The default value is 30 seconds.
Public propertySedpLocalAddress
Confgure the transport instance created and used by SEDP to bind to the specifed local address and port.
Public propertySedpMulticast
A boolean value that determines whether Multicast is used for the SEDP trafic. When set to true, Multicast is used. When set to false Unicast for SEDP is used. The default value is true.
Public propertySpdpLocalAddress
Address of a local interface (no port), which will be used by SPDP to bind to that specifc interface.
Public propertySpdpSendAddrs
A list (comma or whitespace separated) of host:port pairs used as destinations for SPDP content. This can be a combination of Unicast and Multicast addresses.
Public propertyTtl
The value of the time-to-live (ttl) field of multicast datagrams sent as part of discovery. This value specifes the number of hops the datagram will traverse before being discarded by the network. The default value of 1 means that all data is restricted to the local network subnet.
See Also