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TcpInst Class

Provides access to the configurable options for the TCP/IP transport.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  OpenDDSharp.OpenDDS.DCPS
Assembly:  OpenDDSharp (in OpenDDSharp.dll) Version:
public class TcpInst : TransportInst

The TcpInst type exposes the following members.

Public methodTcpInst
Creates a new instance of TcpInst.
Public propertyConnRetryAttempts
Number of attemps to reconnect before giving up and calling OnPublicationLost() and OnSubscriptionLost() callbacks. The default is 3.
Public propertyConnRetryBackoffMultiplier
The backoff multiplier for reconnection strategy. The third and so on reconnect will be this value * the previous delay. Hence with ConnRetryInitialDelay=500 and ConnRetryBackoffMultiplier=1.5 the second reconnect attempt will be at 0.5 seconds after first retry connect fails; the third attempt will be 0.75 seconds after the second retry connect fails; the fourth attempt will be 1.125 seconds after the third retry connect fails. The default value is 2.0.
Public propertyConnRetryInitialDelay
The initial retry delay in milliseconds. The first connection retry will be when the loss of connection is detected. The second try will be after this delay. The default is 500 miliseconds.
Public propertyDatalinkControlChunks
The number of chunks used to size allocators for transport control samples. The default value is 32.
(Inherited from TransportInst.)
Public propertyDatalinkReleaseDelay
Delay in milliseconds that the datalink should be released after all associations are removed. The default value is 10 seconds.
(Inherited from TransportInst.)
Public propertyEnableNagleAlgorithm
Enable or disable the Nagle’s algorithm. By default, it is disabled (false).
Public propertyIsReliable
Indicates whether the transport is reliable or not.
Public propertyLocalAddress
Hostname and port of the connection acceptor. The default value is the FQDN and port 0, which means the OS will choose the port.
Public propertyMaxOutputPausePeriod
Maximum period (in milliseconds) of not being able to send queued messages. If there are samples queued and no output for longer than this period then the connection will be closed and on_*_lost() callbacks will be called. If the value is -1, the default, then this check will not be made.
Public propertyMaxPacketSize
The maximum size of a transport packet, including its transport header, sample header, and sample data. The default value is 2147481599.
(Inherited from TransportInst.)
Public propertyMaxSamplesPerPacket
Maximum number of samples in a transport packet. The default value is 10.
(Inherited from TransportInst.)
Public propertyName
Gets the configuration's name.
(Inherited from TransportInst.)
Public propertyOptimumPacketSize
Optimum size (in bytes) of a packet (packet header + sample(s)). The default value is 4096.
(Inherited from TransportInst.)
Public propertyPassiveReconnectDuration
The time period in milliseconds for the acceptor side of a connection to wait for the connection to be reconnected. If not reconnected within this period then OnPublicationLost() and OnSubscriptionLost() callbacks will be called. The default is 2 seconds (2000 millseconds).
Public propertyPublicAddress
Override the address sent to peers with the confgured string.
Public propertyQueueInitialPools
The initial number of pools for the backpressure queue. The default value is 5.
(Inherited from TransportInst.)
Public propertyQueueMessagesPerPool
Number of pre-created link (list) objects per pool for the "send queue" of each DataLink. The default value is 10.
(Inherited from TransportInst.)
Public propertyThreadPerConnection
Enable or disable the thread per connection send strategy. By default, this option is disabled (false).
(Inherited from TransportInst.)
Public propertyTransportType
Type of the transport; tcp, udp, multicast, shmem, and rtps_udp are included with OpenDDSharp.
(Inherited from TransportInst.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
A properly confgured transport provides added resilience to underlying stack disturbances.Almost all of the options available to customize the connection and reconnection strategies have reasonable defaults, but ultimately these values should to be chosen based upon a careful study of the quality of the network and the desired QoS in the specifc DDS application and target environment.
See Also