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PublicationBuiltinTopicData Structure

Class that contains information about available DataWriters within the system.

Namespace:  OpenDDSharp.DDS
Assembly:  OpenDDSharp (in OpenDDSharp.dll) Version:
public struct PublicationBuiltinTopicData

The PublicationBuiltinTopicData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeadline
Gets the DeadlineQosPolicy attached to the DataWriter.
Public propertyDestinationOrder
Gets the DestinationOrderQosPolicy attached to the DataWriter.
Public propertyDurability
Gets the DurabilityQosPolicy attached to the DataWriter.
Public propertyDurabilityService
Gets the DurabilityQosPolicy attached to the DataWriter.
Public propertyGroupData
Gets the GroupDataQosPolicy attached to the Publisher to which the DataWriter belongs.
Public propertyKey
Gets the global unique identifier of the DataWriter.
Public propertyLatencyBudget
Gets the LatencyBudgetQosPolicy attached to the DataWriter.
Public propertyLifespan
Gets the LifespanQosPolicy attached to the DataWriter.
Public propertyLiveliness
Gets the LivelinessQosPolicy attached to the DataWriter.
Public propertyOwnership
Gets the OwnershipQosPolicy attached to the DataWriter.
Public propertyOwnershipStrength
Gets the OwnershipStrengthQosPolicy attached to the DataWriter.
Public propertyParticipantKey
Gets the global unique identifier of the DomainParticipant to which the DataWriter belongs.
Public propertyPartition
Gets the PartitionQosPolicy attached to the Publisher to which the DataWriter belongs.
Public propertyPresentation
Gets the PresentationQosPolicy attached to the Publisher to which the DataWriter belongs.
Public propertyReliability
Gets the Reliability attached to the DataWriter.
Public propertyTopicData
Gets the TopicDataQosPolicy attached to the Publisher to which the DataWriter belongs.
Public propertyTopicName
Gets the name of the Topic used by the DataWriter.
Public propertyTypeName
Gets the type name of the Topic used by the DataWriter.
Public propertyUserData
Gets the UserDataQosPolicy attached to the DataWriter.
Public methodEquals
Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
(Inherited from ValueType.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType.)
The DCPSPublication topic communicates the existence of datawriters by means of the PublicationBuiltinTopicData datatype. Each PublicationBuiltinTopicData sample in a Domain represents a datawriter in that Domain: a new PublicationBuiltinTopicData instance is created when a newly-added DataWriter is enabled, and it is disposed when that DataWriter is deleted. An updated PublicationBuiltinTopicData sample is written each time the DataWriter (or the Publisher to which it belongs) modifies a QoS policy that applies to the entities connected to it. Also will it be updated when the writer looses or regains its liveliness.
See Also