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TopicBuiltinTopicData Properties

The TopicBuiltinTopicData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeadline
Gets the DeadlineQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyDestinationOrder
Gets the DestinationOrderQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyDurability
Gets the DurabilityQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyDurabilityService
Gets the DurabilityServiceQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyHistory
Gets the HistoryQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyKey
Gets the global unique identifier of the Topic.
Public propertyLatencyBudget
Gets the LatencyBudgetQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyLifespan
Gets the LifespanQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyLiveliness
Gets the LivelinessQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the Topic.
Public propertyOwnership
Gets the OwnershipQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyReliability
Gets the ReliabilityQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyResourceLimits
Gets the ResourceLimitsQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyTopicData
Gets the TopicDataQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyTransportPriority
Gets the TransportPriorityQosPolicy attached to the Topic.
Public propertyTypeName
Gets the type name of the Topic.
See Also