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SubscriberBeginAccess Method

Indicates that the application is about to access the data samples in any of the DataReader objects attached to the Subscriber.

Namespace:  OpenDDSharp.DDS
Assembly:  OpenDDSharp (in OpenDDSharp.dll) Version:
public ReturnCode BeginAccess()

Return Value

Type: ReturnCode
The ReturnCode that indicates the operation result.

The application is required to use this operation only if PresentationQosPolicy of the Subscriber to which the DataReader belongs has the AccessScope set to GroupPresentationQos.

In the aforementioned case, the operation BeginAccess must be called prior to calling any of the sample-accessing operations, namely: GetDataReaders on the Subscriber and Read, Take on any DataReader. Otherwise the sample-accessing operations will return the error PreconditionNotMet. Once the application has finished accessing the data samples it must call EndAccess.

The calls to BeginAccess/EndAccess may be nested. In that case, the application must call EndAccess as many times as it called BeginAccess.

See Also