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DomainParticipantCreateTopic Method (String, String, TopicQos, TopicListener, StatusMask)

Creates a new Topic with the desired QoS policies and attaches to it the specified TopicListener.

Namespace:  OpenDDSharp.DDS
Assembly:  OpenDDSharp (in OpenDDSharp.dll) Version:
public Topic CreateTopic(
	string topicName,
	string typeName,
	TopicQos qos,
	TopicListener listener,
	StatusMask statusMask


Type: SystemString
The name for the new topic.
Type: SystemString
The name of the type which the new Topic will be bound.
Type: OpenDDSharp.DDSTopicQos
The TopicQos policies to be used for creating the new Topic.
Type: OpenDDSharp.DDSTopicListener
The TopicListener to be attached to the newly created Topic.
Type: OpenDDSharp.DDSStatusMask
The StatusMask of which status changes the listener should be notified.

Return Value

Type: Topic
The newly created Topic on success, otherwise .

The created Topic belongs to the DomainParticipant that is its factory.

The Topic is bound to a type described by the typeName argument. Prior to creating a Topic the type must have been registered. This is done using the RegisterType operation on a derived class of the TypeSupport interface.

If the specified QoS policies are not consistent, the operation will fail and no Topic will be created.

See Also