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DataWriterAssertLiveliness Method

Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter. This is used in combination with the liveliness QoS policy to indicate to DDS that the entity remains active.

Namespace:  OpenDDSharp.DDS
Assembly:  OpenDDSharp (in OpenDDSharp.dll) Version:
public ReturnCode AssertLiveliness()

Return Value

Type: ReturnCode
The ReturnCode that indicates the operation result.

This operation need only be used if the LivelinessQosPolicy setting is either ManualByParticipantLivelinessQos or ManualByTopicLivelinessQos. Otherwise, it has no effect.

NOTE: Writing data via the write operation on a DataWriter asserts liveliness on the DataWriter itself and its DomainParticipant. Consequently the use of AssertLiveliness is only needed if the application is not writing data regularly.

See Also