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StatusKind Fields

The StatusKind type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberDataAvailableStatus
One or more new data samples have been received.
Public fieldStatic memberDataOnReadersStatus
New data is available.
Public fieldStatic memberInconsistentTopicStatus
Another topic exists with the same name but different characteristics.
Public fieldStatic memberLivelinessChangedStatus
The liveliness of one or more DataWriter that were writing instances read through the DataReader has changed. Some DataWriter have become alive or not alive.
Public fieldStatic memberLivelinessLostStatus
The liveliness that the DataWriter has committed to through its LivelinessQosPolicy was not respected, thus DataReader entities will consider the DataWriter as no longer alive.
Public fieldStatic memberOfferedDeadlineMissedStatus
The deadline that the DataWriter has committed through its DeadlineQosPolicy was not respected for a specific instance.
Public fieldStatic memberOfferedIncompatibleQosStatus
A QoS policy value was incompatible with what was requested.
Public fieldStatic memberPublicationMatchedStatus
The DataWriter has found DataReader that matches the Topic and has compatible QoS.
Public fieldStatic memberRequestedDeadlineMissedStatus
The deadline that the DataReader was expecting through its DeadlineQosPolicy was not respected for a specific instance.
Public fieldStatic memberRequestedIncompatibleQosStatus
A QoS policy value was incompatible with what is offered.
Public fieldStatic memberSampleLostStatus
A sample has been lost (i.e. was never received).
Public fieldStatic memberSampleRejectedStatus
A (received) sample has been rejected.
Public fieldStatic memberSubscriptionMatchedStatus
The DataReader has found DataWriter that matches the Topic and has compatible QoS.
See Also